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Steam changed my region, can I go back to my previous region?

So this is the question that many users are asking themselves lately: steam changed my region, can I go back to my previous region? In recent months, Steam has automatically altered the regional markets for some user accounts. Steam is doing this to prevent users from taking advantage of lower regional prices.

The phenomenon of region changes can affect anyone sooner or later. Users who conduct transactions on Steam without using a proxy or VPN, although I don’t recommend using VPNs, are more likely to be affected. Some gamers claim they haven’t used any of these tools to buy games and haven’t experienced any changes. The reasons for this are still unknown and could be due to various factors, such as the age of their accounts or their level of activity. However, I cannot provide a definitive answer.

On the other hand, users who use VPNs for their purchases are also experiencing region changes. This is because ALL VPNs are detectable. So, when you log in using a VPN, Steam detects it and changes your region without any warning.

In this article about Steam changing my region, I will share what I’ve learned so far about region changes and whether you can return to your previous region.

Steam changed my region, can I go back to my previous region?

Reverting to your previous region is uncertain. First, Steam has a policy that allows you to change your region only once every 3 months. In practice, if your region was changed today, you’ll need to wait at least 90 days to attempt changing it back. However, some Reddit users claim they were able to switch back to their previous region the very next day after the change. I cannot confirm this because, for one, it contradicts Steam’s own 3-month policy. I’ve also had customers who attempted to change their region immediately after it was reset, and it was not successful.

On the flip side, some people say that even after waiting for 3 months, you won’t be able to return to your previous region. It appears that Steam “marks” your account after a region change and may not allow you to return. In this case, you should change to a different region and wait 3 months before attempting to return to your original region. For instance, if you were in Argentina and Steam changed your region, you should try changing to Turkey. After staying in Turkey for 3 months, you can then attempt to return to Argentina. However, I cannot confirm this because the customers I assist with region changes encounter an annoying Steam message stating an unexpected error when trying to complete the purchase.

A short answer for Steam changed my region, can I go back to my previous region? would be: maybe… If your region has been changed, consider switching to a different region a few days after the change and then, after 3 months, attempt to return to your previous region.

Questions and answers

Can I change back to my previuos region?

No, you’ll have to change to a different region and maybe after 3 months you’ll be able to change to your previuos region.

Do I have to wait 3 months?

In most cases, yes.

How can I change my region?

You need a prepaid card from the country you want to change to, and a proxy. You can also do it with a Steam Gift Card key but they’re very expensive for Argentina and Turkey.

If you have any information that could help improve this article’s accuracy, please leave it in the comments. If you have any questions about Steam changed my region, can I go back to my previous region?, please join our subreddit community or our Discord server.

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