
Ukraine Prepaid Card for Steam Region Change

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $4.99.


Elevate your gaming possibilities by effortlessly changing your Steam region to Ukraine using our reliable Prepaid Card. Avoid errors and account issues with our step-by-step guide, ensuring a secure and seamless transition. With a proven track record and +100 satisfied customers, our Region Change Service empowers you to take control of your gaming experience. Just follow our straightforward instructions for quick results. Say goodbye to limitations and explore a world of gaming possibilities with our Ukraine Prepaid Card for Steam region change. After you make your purchase you MUST contact us so we can send you the Card Details. Contact us through any of the channels here.

This Prepaid Card has 13 UAH.


    Please read and check all the boxes below. 

    *Proxy for Region Change

    Do not use VPNs, they don't work. Remember, the warranty for our cards only applies if you use our proxies. If you don't have a reliable proxy yet, you can use our Steam proxies to change your region

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How can I change my Steam Region to Ukraine with a Ukraine Prepaid Card?

Steam lets you switch where you buy games from, using the right currency. It’s simple: just buy a game with a local credit card from the place you want to change to. You can’t switch to a new country without a card from there. If you try with a card from somewhere else, you might get an error or even get in trouble. That’s why we offer you our Ukraine Prepaid Card for Steam Region Change.

But with our Prepaid Card, you can change your region market without any trouble, and it takes less than 5 minutes! All you do is pick a game that costs less than 13 UAH, then use our Prepaid Card to buy it.

Our Prepaid Card is great if you want to change the region on your own, without letting anyone else into your account. It’s super safe, and over 100 customers can tell you it works. So if you want to do it yourself, grab our prepaid card now.

Why Change Your Steam Region to Ukraine?

Steam provides users with the option to switch their region market for purchasing games in the corresponding currency. However, this process requires a local credit card from the desired region. Attempting to change regions with a non-local card can lead to errors or even account suspension.

Introducing Our Ukraine Prepaid Card Solution

With our Ukraine Prepaid Card, you can change your region market with utmost ease in under 5 minutes! Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose a game priced less than 13 UAH.
  2. Complete the purchase using our Prepaid Card within the next 24 hours. After 24 hours the card will be unusable.

This product empowers users to manage the region change process independently, safeguarding their account security.

Can I change my Steam region market?

Not everyone can change their region easily. You need to follow these rules:

  1. Region Change History: If you have previously changed your region, either manually or automatically by Steam, this method will not work.
  2. Account Limitations: Ensure your account is not limited. You must have spent at least $5 USD on Steam. Attempting to change the region with a limited account is risky and not recommended.
  3. Ukrainian Market Restriction: If your account has ever been in the Ukrainian market, you will not be able to switch back, regardless of any automatic changes from other regions.
  4. Failed Previous Attempts: If you’ve previously attempted to change your region with another seller’s card and received an “Unexpected error,” do not purchase this product. No method will work for you at this point.
  5. Proxy Usage Over VPN: Use our proxy specifically for Steam region changes. Avoid using VPNs, as most are detected by Steam, resulting in an error message during checkout. Ensure that the proxy you’re using isn’t flagged as a VPN or proxy by testing it at IPQualityScore. If you choose a proxy from another seller, we cannot guarantee success. Our proxies have been proven to work for Steam region changes.

DO NOT BUY this product if you meet any of the points above. If you decide to still buy this product and attempt to do the change and get an error during checkout, no refunds will be made.

Will my account be safe?

While changing your region market is possible, it’s important to note that it goes against Steam policies. However, adhering to our guidelines can minimize risks. Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Say No to VPNs: Lots of websites recommend using a VPN to change your location. But we advise against it. Why? Because all VPNs can be detected. Don’t believe us? Install any VPN, whether free or paid, turn it on, and visit websites like or They’ll spot the VPN’s IP. Trust me, it’s a sure thing.
  2. Get a Trustworthy Proxy: Instead of a VPN, try a reliable proxy that won’t be detected. At Gamestrike, we have top-notch proxies that work great for Steam. Test it out the same way you did with the VPN, and you’ll see – no VPN or proxy detection.
  3. Switch Your Browser: Don’t use the same browser you used before. Every browser has a unique mark that Steam recognizes. We suggest MoreLogin, a browser that lets you have 2 separate accounts for free.
  4. Activate the Proxy First: If you’re not using MoreLogin, remember to turn on the proxy before going to Steam’s site. With MoreLogin, you’re covered – the proxy kicks in automatically.

How to change my Steam region with a Ukraine Prepaid Card?

After we have sent you the card details, you have 24 HOURS to do the change. After this time the card will be deactivated. Changing your Steam region using a Ukraine Prepaid Card is pretty straightforward. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Get Your Proxy Ready: Start by activating your proxy. If you don’t have a proxy yet you can get it here. DO NOT USE VPNs. If you try with a VPN you will most likely get an error during checkout.
  2. Check your IP: Ensure that the proxy you’re using isn’t flagged as a VPN or proxy by testing it at IPQualityScore.
  3. Log into Steam: Sign in to your Steam account.
  4. Find a Game: Look for a game that costs less than 13 Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH).
  5. Add to Cart: Put the game in your cart.
  6. Go to Cart: Open your cart page.
  7. Change Country: Above your cart items, there’s a dropdown labeled “Country.” This is your current region. Click it and choose “Ukraine.”
  8. Confirm Change: It will ask you to confirm. Pick “Ukraine” again.
  9. Purchase for Yourself: Back in the cart, click “Purchase for myself.”
  10. Choose Payment Method: On the checkout page, select “Mastercard.”
  11. Enter Card Details: Put in the details from your Prepaid Card.
  12. Add Fake Info: Fill in the form with a made-up Latin name and a random address. You can use a website that gives you different Ukrainian addresses each time.
  13. Don’t Save: Leave the box unchecked to save payment info. It’s safer not to save it, and it won’t work after the purchase anyway.
  14. Continue: Click “Continue.”
  15. Accept Terms: Tick the box to agree to Steam’s terms.
  16. Complete Purchase: Finally, finish the purchase.
  17. Confirmation: If you did everything right, you’ll get an email with the details of your purchase, and the next page will confirm it.

That’s it! You’ve changed your Steam region using a Ukraine Prepaid Card.

Post-Region Change Guidelines

Sure thing! Here’s a simpler version of the instructions:

  1. Say No to VPNs: Don’t use VPNs, but go for Proxy for Steam.
  2. Stick to Local Cards: Avoid using cards from different places.
  3. Switch Up Browsers: Don’t use the same browser for different Steam accounts. Get Morelogin browser to make separate profiles with their own proxies. Get it here.
  4. Proper Order: Don’t turn on the proxy after logging in.
  5. No Refund Requests: Don’t ask Steam for refunds, even for games you bought.
  6. Hold Off on Trades: Wait 15 days before trading in the market.
  7. Easy on Gift Cards: Don’t redeem too many Steam gift cards in a short time.
  8. Timeout from Activities: Avoid buying games, using codes, adding friends, or trading for the next 24 hours.
  9. Proxy for Purchases: Always use Gamestrike’s Proxy for Steam when buying games or using wallet funds.
  10. Proxy for Gifts: Use Gamestrike’s Proxy for Steam before accepting gift games or funds.
  11. Watch Wallet Fund Use: If you use wallet funds without a proxy, your account’s region might change or be limited.
  12. Wait After Proxy Use: If you used a proxy, wait 12 hours before using your regular IP.
  13. Mobile Guard Tip: If you have Steam Mobile Guard, set it to use mobile data and Wi-Fi only in the background.
  14. No Auto Start: Don’t let Steam start when your PC turns on.

Account Safety and Support

We’re committed to your account’s safety and satisfaction. However, failure to adhere to guidelines can lead to issues. Keep in mind:

  • Our product is eligible for a 7-day Warranty Policy.
  • Contact us for assistance.

If you have any problems, don’t be afraid to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. But remember, this product is connected to our Terms and Conditions, Warranty Policy, and our Refund and Cancellation Policy.


We’ll only give you all your money back if we can’t give you the thing you bought. Before you bought it, you should’ve read all about it, especially the part about “Can I change my Steam region market?”. When you talk to us after buying, we’ll remind you about this stuff. If you can’t change your region and want your money back, we can only give you 95% back before any extra fees if we haven’t given you any card details.

You can attempt to change your region, even if you’re unsure whether it will work for your account. We will provide the card details for you to try. However, once the card details are sent, we cannot issue refunds if the region change fails.

If you used our proxy, met all the requirements for a region change, and it still didn’t work, we will first try to assist you by logging into your account and attempting the change ourselves. If we are still unsuccessful, we can offer you a 50% refund.

If you decline our assistance and refuse to allow us access to your account, we can only provide an 85% refund.


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